In 2010, Chris Roberts was lead counsel for a family who suffered a horrific crash following the tread separation failure of a Goodyear G159 tire on their RV. With Chris' help, the family sued Goodyear for compensation on the basis that the tire was defective and caused the crash. Throughout the course of the case, Goodyear denied that its tire was defective or that any defect caused the crash. After several years of hard-fought litigation, a Pasco County jury heard all of the evidence, and handed Goodyear a $5.6 Million verdict in favor of Chris' clients. The verdict at the time was one of the largest ever to come out of that part of Florida, and it was the first case involving a Goodyear G159 tire failure to reach a jury. You can read more about the case here.
A lot has happened since 2010. The federal government, after years of complaints from consumers and public safety groups about the safety record of the G159 RV tire, has finally opened a formal investigation of Goodyear and its G159 tire. Recently, Chris Roberts was interviewed by leading automotive news website Jalopnik about the investigation. Read the article here.
Lawyer Chris Roberts has more than fifteen years of experience helping victims of defective products obtain compensation from manufacturers who sometimes elevate profit motive over the interest of consumer safety. He has helped numerous clients obtain recovery from household name manufacturers including Ford Motor Company, General Motors, Michelin, Goodyear, Cooper Tire, and many other product manufacturers. If you or a loved one have been injured by a defective tire, a defective vehicle, a defective bicycle, or by another type of product, Chris Roberts offers a free consultation to discuss your potential case.