Kia Vehicle Fires in the Tampa Bay Area News

What is going on with all of these Kia vehicle fires?

According to Tampa Bay area news coverage, there have been a large number of incidents in our area where Kia vehicles suddenly burst into flames for no apparent reason, even without accident involvement. More than a hundred Kia owners have reported similar problems around the nation, with a large percentage of those complaints involving the Kia Optima or Sorento. Read the story by clicking here.

Vehicle fuel fed fires are extremely dangerous, and should be extremely rare. Vehicle manufacturers have a duty to consumers to design their vehicles to protect against such events, even in high impact collisions. It should go without saying that a vehicle should not suddenly burst into flames while the owner is parked at a stop light, or driving down the road.

So far, Kia has not issued any recall addressing the problem, and they have not admitted to the existence of any defect in their vehicles that is causing the fires. However, the large number of similar incidents strongly suggests a design or manufacturing problem is leading to these fires. Hopefully it will not take more consumer victims suffering horrible burn injuries or even death before Kia identifies the problem and fixes it.

Clearwater based attorney Chris Roberts has handled dozens of cases for consumers involving vehicle defects, including cases involving design/manufacturing defects that led to a fuel fed fire. Click here if you wish to discuss a potential case with Chris Roberts, or schedule an appointment.